A little bit about me and Ogre Chronicle
I’ve been working on this site over the course of the past couple of years since my retirement from football in February 2020. I’ve come to realized that I’m not the greatest at either expressing myself or keeping people who I consider my friends in the loop of the current happenings in my life, so for those who have the time to spare in their assuredly busy lives, from strangers to lifelong friends, this is Ogre Chronicle. A comprehensive blog about my own various interests from Sports, Video Games, Music, Anime/Manga, Movies, Current Events, and just life in general , with some of my own personal musings in the mix
My full name is Onyekachukwu John-Malcolm Omoile. Onyekachukwu, which stands for “none are greater than god” in Ibo, the native tongue of my parents, is shortened to Onyeka which is further shortened to Oni. While Oni is a nickname borne out of convenience and attempting to spare me of childhood mockery (didn’t work btw) it also has very unfortunate connotations in other languages. In Japanese specifically “Oni” actually means “Demon” or “Ogre”. I was made aware of this in middle school by an Asian friend of mine and I couldn’t help but laugh at my misfortune. At least it gave me a fitting name for this blog though!
I am a first-generation Nigerian-American, born in Dallas, Texas by John and Catherine Omoile. I have two older sisters, Jessica and Nicolette who are equal parts overbearing, harsh, fair and loving. Their husbands, Jerod and Christian, are both integral parts of my life being able to relate to me as men born and raised in America like me in a way my dad may not always be able to. I have multiple hobbies, including Video Games, Movies, Music, Anime/Manga, and uncle duty with my nephews and nieces Aidan, Dylan, Maya, and baby London.