Probably the last time ever as a full grown adult I'll be able to game this hard

As this apocalyptic hell-scape of a year finally draws to a way overdue end, it's been a long standing tradition of mine (and by long standing I mean started doing it last year) to chronicle the games I've played over the course of the year so my experiences and feelings of them aren't completely lost to the quagmire of CTE induced mush that is my long term memory. Despite the world being paralyzed by a pandemic, gaming was actually one of the few industries that not only managed to survive but thrive. Companies like Nintendo making earth shattering profits and eSports events being the only show in town with regular sports put to a halt. It makes sense thinking about it, everyone locked in their homes looking for ways to entertain themselves gravitating to a medium that allows them to do that. For someone like me who already plays them frequently, however, it allows a level of indulgence that otherwise isn't possible with all the responsibilities of being an adult entails, and boy did I take advantage of it.
Not even including the games I play on a regular basis like League of Legends or Smash Bros, I have managed to play over 30 different games to completion this year, which is almost double of what I did the year before in 2019. These are not exactly short and quick games either, a lot of these 50+ hour RPGs or sandbox type games I poured an abundance of free time into. In any other circumstance gaming this much at my age would be irresponsible at best and full out crippling addiction at worst, but I doubt anyone will argue against a worldwide pandemic limiting your options (assuming you're responsible and not a selfish asshole of course). Hopefully some of my short musings on them might potentially convince you to try them on your own!

Among us
If you ever played the game Mafia growing up this is essentially the video game form of it, an up to 10 player social thriller where the crew's gotta complete set tasks while sniffing our the traitor(s) in their midst. Even if I typically had to be dragged to play this with my friend group against my will i'd be lying if I said I didn't find it pretty enjoyable. Might never look at some of your friends the same way afterwards though, whether it be because they stabbed you in the back in electrical or were being the textbook third imposter.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition
Just about any 90s kid will be able to recant the furious playground argument of what was better, Pokemon or Digimon. While financially the former may have come out on top, these two bundled turn based RPGs are some of my favorites I've played in years. It really reignited my interest in the series being dormant for so long. You'll be wondering where all the time in the day went trying to meticulously grind your favorite digimon to hit evolution breakpoints.

Dragon Age (Origins, 2, Inquisition)
Given my significant hatred of my for all things Electronic Arts (a discussion for another time I assure you) I'm surprised I even got talked into playing this. Glad I was though, and I've learned to make an exception for games from Bioware studio. These games are simply can't miss if you're a fan of medieval high fantasy and action oriented games with its deep gameplay and customization as well as engrossing narrative.

Final Fantasy (IV, VI, VII Remake VIII, IX, X, XII, Crystal Chronicles Remastered)
Despite my love for all things RPG, I actually hadn't had the opportunity to play many of the original FFs due to growing up in an N64/Gamecube household. So I made an effort to buy literally every single available game in the series off of Steam. I'm sure you've noticed by now the abundance of RPGs, but can you really blame me when they're such a great genre of games for escapism? I had hoped to finish the entire series but too many great games that came out later in the year distracted me from that lofty goal.

Genshin Impact
This game surprised me the most out of how much I've come to enjoy it. Normally I avoid phone games (thankfully there's a PS4/5 edition available) like the plague and its pretty unapologetic about taking from Breath of the Wild's general formula, but the overall presentation, crazy sense of scale and adventure that grows with every update in tandem with the simple yet addicting combat really hooks you in for the long haul.

A really short, yet really entertaining puzzle game with a theme you won't be able to get out of your head for weeks. Will also leave you with a large craving for pancakes.

Mass Effect (2, 3)
I loved the original Mass Effect but never actually got around to playing 2 & 3 since I was far too obsessed with WoW in High School/College to care otherwise. A good enough time as any to rectify that. Seamlessly blending engaging shooting with RPG elements in a way very few other series can compare.

Persona 5 Royal
The number one word that comes to my mind when I think of the Persona series is "Stylish". These games just ooze it all over in every facet, from the general presentation to the characters and their individual designs, the soundtrack, to even the RPG gameplay itself. You can't help but get caught up in all the craziness and soon you'll be wondering how you put in a hundred hours of gameplay in two weeks time (I was quarantined after a COVID exposure don't judge me alright).

Trails Series (Zero, Cold Steel IV)
A hidden gem of a JRPG series by studio Falcom, easily the biggest draw of these games is the painstakingly crafted world that spans numerous games and well written characters that'll suck you in a way similar to long running book series. Definitely not for the faint of heart and requires a significant investment to get into but I absolutely think it was worth it.

Trials of Mana
One of the more niche and lesser known entries on this list made by Square Enix, the makers of the Final Fantasy Series. So funny personal story time, there was always these two games I'd sneak into our neighbor's house through their doggy door to play growing up. One of them was Super Mario Kart and the other was Secret of Mana. Trials is the remade sequel of the latter that never came out in the west. A really fun, action packed outing that while short, has a bunch of replay value due to it's multiple endings

Ys Series (Ark of Napishtim, SEVEN, Oath in Felghana, Memories of Celceta, Lacrimosa of Dana)
An even more niche game series from studio Falcom , known for their budget yet quality titles. These were the games that helped me uniwnd after those long days in XFL training camp back in January . Just constant, high tempo arcadey action paired with a wonderful soundtrack. Seriously just listen to this stuff (

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands
Every time, every single time I think I've finally free of this game's hold on me, Cory manages to talk (i.e guilt trip) me into playing again. My opinion of Blizzard as a company as a whole isn't great as of late (Never been the same since the Activision merger) but WoW is still the same ol reliable in terms of the MMO experience. Hopefully this time I'll learn my lesson and stick to one character rather then leveling six different ones all at once.

Xenoblade Chroncles: Definitive Edition
The original version of this game that came out on the Wii was notoriously difficult to find to my frustration, so was very relieved when a remastered version would be coming to the switch. If you love British Accents and a unique blend of of rhythm based RPG gameplay this is the series for you!
2020 was a wild year, but gaming truly became a lifeline for so many. It’s crazy how the industry not only survived but thrived, with esports and gaming taking center stage. Love seeing these roundups—gaming really does give us those unforgettable moments! If you're into esports and gaming culture, check out – built by players, for players. 🎮🔥