Pretty uneventful year t b h

In a year that has paradoxically gone by too quickly and too slowly at the same time, thanks to all of y'all who take the time out of your days to read my various musings concocted from my CTE addled brain! This blog is has been huge for me to help my transition into post football life and has both given me an outlet in a time when stress is through to roof and to interact and connect with all the great people I've met over the years and even meet some new ones. Even getting one of my articles published in the largest newspaper in Nigeria! A lot has happened recently so I just wanted to give some personal updates for this anniversary post. I'd do more but this time of year is super busy for the family business so i'm just squeezing in what I can!

I got the Rona :(
You could probably tell if you followed me on social media and noticed I went off the grid for a bit, but from shortly before Christmas I contracted COVID-19 from a family member. In fact my entire family including my older sister and her 4 kids contracted it within the same timeframe despite taking ample precautions, underscoring just how contagious this shit can be. This stuff is not a joke. For a two solid weeks I was confined to either my bed or game room couch guzzling orange juice. There were even a couple of scary close calls in the middle of the night where I seriously contemplated going to the ER due to difficulty of breathing and an insanely inflated heart rate. I know I'm not exactly in the prime shape of my life after retirement and 9+ months of lockdown limiting my ability for high quality workouts but if it can knock someone like me out to this degree it can definitely happen to you. It took almost an entire month before we all tested negative and were was cleared to work again but thankfully we've made it through the worst of it even with our family history of co-morbidities.

I'm moving!
The date isn't quite set in stone due to the unpredictability of my current job but sometime this year I'm moving to the east coast! I definitely wanted to do this sooner but like most of you reading this COVID derailed a lot of plans and so for both practicality and financial common sense I decided to stay in Texas the past year with my parents. Hopefully once I'm settled in as the year goes on and the situation improves around the country I can finally start traveling again, including finally coming back to Iowa after almost 5 years.
My personal goals for the year
I'm sure all of us had our own personal new year resolutions that we've probably already forsaken but putting it into the public sphere like that is a way to keep me accountable going forward. So here they are!
End each month 3 pounds lighter than I was before, with the end goal of the year being 275
At least 1 article for Ogre Chronicle a month
Reconnect with more old friends, whether it be just shooting them a text, DMing them, or even just meeting up in person once vaccinated
5K added to the savings account by year's end
Thanks for reading everyone, and to end it I know that dreaded holiday is coming up so here's a personal favorite of mine I like to blast on it.